Monday, August 4, 2014

Costa Rica Count Down - Anticipation

"Can you feel it"... the pre-vacation-adventure anticipation! Or PVAA for which there is no cure except to finish packing, pay the bills, make sure the dog is taken care of and the tortoises while you are gone and the BIGGEST one... make sure all the leftovers and perishables are out of the refrigerator.  Coming home to weird mystery food can zap the euphoria of vacation when you get home very fast.  And then get to the airport and GO...  Yes, anticipation is in the air.  At least with the adults.  Hunter has Micky Mouse packed, some bottles, snacks and the much loved blue blanket and he is good to go.  Oh and some Diapers.  I don't remember being 16 months old and having my first passport.  I was 40 plus.

This is what popped up on my computer this morning... Love those kind of reminders.

 Stay tuned tomorrow is the olympics of travel... The first event (as Rich affectionally called it) schlepping of the luggage.  Not for the weak and tired.  If you handle the same piece of luggage less than 10 times in the same day you are a winner.  Out the door, to the car, to check in, through customs and immigration and then it gets spit out hopefully at your destination... back in the car and on and on... so Schlepping with Humor is a good idea. 

Time to go for now.  Four am call to head to LAX.   


1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! So much adventure on the horizon. I can't wait to read all about it
