Wednesday, August 13, 2014

What day is it 8 or 9 Costa Rica

Honestly, who cares what day it is when you're on and in the Caribbean. Finally paradise has been found. Sitting on the balcony of a place called Mother Dear ( on the second floor overlooking the beautiful Caribbean it's warm it's tropical it's everything one would expect and it has internet.  Jeff, Heather and Hunter just headed out to the beach to jump in the big pool, as Diane would say "pools open".  Alright, I'm going to get my bathing suit on and join them ( good medication for mosquito bites - salt water soak) more blogging later..  Back in the bungalow no more open pool today.   Here is why.  Its shower time in the tropics.  It's raining buckets.  Tropical tranquillity beautiful. 
At 16 months old Hunter enjoyed his first official dip in the Caribbean. (we could say running away from the water for his toddler time exercise the first 10 minutes until he finally figured out he liked it.  Heather got her mom work out in as well back and fourth and down the beach, more like toddler aerobics).  So glad to see his papa Hyland come out (Rich, never met a beach he didn't love and sand everywhere until he looked like a corn dog).  The water felt like it was 90 degrees.  Of course, if one does not go past there knees it is hard to gage the true tempeture (me).  

Back to the place we are staying Mother Dear.... let me just say PPAARRRTTYYY time bungalows,  if I were with my Caribbean, rum loving, wine drinking friends (Toddlers do drink from bottles just not the same type) we would be in full tropical party mode. Teak wood everywhere a large deck and patio belowdecks, a BLENDER for tropical libations. I have been here only a few hours but I would highly recommend this place. When we first came through the gate we were met by our host and hostess James and his wife Debbie.  The two of them may have to take over the title of Mr. and Mrs. Marriott, for their hospitality.  I wonder if they do happy hour?

The roads were all paved today, only two lanes. Again, Jeff did a great job of driving here. They grow tons of bananas for the world consumption here and there were so many semi trucks on those 2 Lane roads, hauling bananas.  Watching Jeff drive was taking me back to my drivers Ed days when to pass, signal and step on the gas...

I expected resorts on the beach and all kinds of restaurants and hotels. The town itself is quite small if you don't count the number of bars that we passed on our drive through town.   No resorts and big hotels. Not sure I could live here without a lot more exploration and friends.

Here in this nice place for two days.  Then it will be off to the sloth sanctuary for two more.  Then the 10 hour drive day... 

Yesterday was are last day in Turrialba.  We did visit this place while we were there. Guayabo national monument preserves the archeological structures that were inhabited from 1000 BC untill1400AD
to guayabo National Monument, Costa Rica - City Guide - Go Visit Costa Rica.  Hard to believe they were building roads and aqueducts back then.  They had awesome technology. 

As soon as Jeff gets more pictures onto the lap top and I get him to e-mail me some I will get them posted. He tells me it's a process and slow internet makes for slow delivery.    Pictures are always more fun than words. 

Have a great day friends and family.  Blessings 

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