Sunday, February 15, 2015


I have an announcement to make.... actually I have several to make.  Perhaps they are not announcements as much as they are "life" realizations.  Seems and sounds very cliche but what you expect, what you want and what you get are very different. Puppy fever has been alive and well for several weeks at my house now that Chubby has moved his family into their new home.  Every morning when I wake up, I realize I really am alone, not even a dog to pet in the morning (Rich and I had a dog present in our lives 97% of the time and the last two were sleep with the human dogs).  Just empty space and time when I wake up. Without something needing some attention in the morning my pillows keep screaming at me don't get up stay here and develop a bad habit of sleeping in way to late (such a curse - right)!

Dog/Puppy fever has been alive and well. Spending way to much time looking at puppy porn.... felt that way after hours of looking at litters and pictures of dogs and rescues on the internet.  I decided I wanted and would be best suited for a  FEMALE chocolate or yellow Lab Puppy. Honeybear and Gracie were the best labs, smart, quirky, loving.  All their good and bad habits they developed as puppies from being in our lives from a very young age.

With all that History out of the way I would like to announce we have a new resident at Hyland's Island.  Not a puppy, not a female and maybe 5% chocolate lab, a lot of something else in his DNA, some are saying American Stafford's Terror (which I think means Jackie ended up with some pit bull in her new dog).  His name is Martin (although he does not seem to know his name, thinking the shelter gave him his new name a few weeks ago). He is a rescue - first rescue of my life.  Martin is at least two -  no puppyhood. He has warm brown eyes, a huge brown nose, dumbo ears and has been terrified of the stairs in the house. Really a dog that doesn't know how to go up and down stairs. He is mellow and sweet, house trained (as all males should be) and I am falling in love.  Not what I expected, not what I wanted but, he is mine.  No one knows his past history before he came here to live yesterday. We did figure he has been bounced around at least 5 to 6 times in the past couple of months.

Niece Danni gave me the push I needed yesterday.  We woke up and I said isn't it strange not having a dog to wake up to at my house - maybe we should go adopt Martin today.  Really I was kidding (his pictures was showing up on Facebook at the rescue site and everyone who came to the house got to see his picture.  Why couldn't they put up a new post and tell me he had been adopted),  Danni had seen his picture, those big brown eyes, dumbo ears and brown nose and thought he was meant to be the new Hyland Dog.  Martin, was available for a playdate and interview in Carlsbad on Valentines day.   She had so much glee in her voice -"it's a sign let's go to Carlsbad and get Martin".  We did!

Again, I give it over to God.  Not sure where this is going and why but, this is Life... Love it.  The adoption agency gives you 7 days to complete the adoption process (I am already head over paws in love).  This is my guy, the new male in my life.  He is in my life for a reason. Come by and meet this mellow mutt, for all he has been going through in his short life he adjusting very well.   Wish Martin and me luck and lots of dog treats.

Thank you Aunt Annette for the great picture today... love Martin.

I forgot to say something about TIMING..... New dog and starting a mini remodel update on Hylands Island on Tuesday.  Hope Martin likes contractors and noise.

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