Wednesday, January 21, 2015

"Full" Filled. Fulfillment - Found it.

Hello Haiti...

People ask me since my return from Haiti something like;  Hi, welcome back from Haiti was it fun, did you have a great time in Haiti. I have been searching for a word that would fit the description of the Haiti trip. My reply is I wouldn't describe it as fun and a great time. The time and experience was something deeper. I probably look puzzled and tell my friends, yes we did in fact have fun (after clinics, meal time, on the bus), memorable and great times but those aren't how I would describe the trip. I tell them I am looking and searching for just right the word description. Sunday at bible study someone said "FULL" FILLED.... that's it!  that is my word to describe the Haiti Mission Trip. "Full" filled!

(Chapel, reflection, team building time) 

"FULL" FILLED- in finding God, in my self for personal stamina and strength both physically and mentally. To be a sister in Christ with the team and the Haitians. Truly, it was a retreat of a different kind that was so spiritual. At times I am overwhelmed by the enormity of the 3rd trip. 

Physically-  When we are forming our (my description) ant lines where we move boxes from storage to the church and off and on the bus every day.  You need some physical energy. God provided.

Mentally- I give up the mental part to God. I prayed every morning that he give not only me but our team the endurance to see over 200 people a day that needed medical attention.  I have always admired and held people in the medical field in high regard. Pretty sure all our mission providers wear halos.  Over 1000, Haitian people were seen.

Itinerary- and I can say this all happened. I would bet there is not one thing on the list that didn't happen... That is ultimate organization by team members that work all year.  Thank you....

A few of the Fabulous providers

Beautiful people
( Fabiene, my sista (sister) and PR) 
Starting at the top... My first customer of the day once William got the tippy-tap set up (more about that in another blog another day.....maybe).  She told us she was 85 and after she washed her hands she took off her scarf, soaped up her face, splashed water all over it, rinsed and smiled. That is her grandson with her. 

Annie and Katlyn after church last Sunday at 1st Luthern with some of their admirers . All the young adults are like magnets when it comes to the kids.

Willeme (the translator I worked with most of the week) along with Ken's translator.  These two are working hard on their English and it was flawless, although they don't always understand our humor.  You think your being funny and they just stare at you so you have to stop and explain it... Then if your lucky they give you a little grin.  It might just be a courtesy grin- pretty sure they are thinking "oh those silly people from Irvine". 

Oh those beautiful Haitian women and their hats... 

A selfie with Pastor Henri of Cedan Mission.  What a man.

Dr. Summers patients - a 13 year old girl with her 3 year old sister she brought to clinic.

Not sure if our mobile pharmacy had any medication for this syndrome.... Photo bombs...
Lauren thinks she is getting a cute little picture, just her and the kids....
Dr. John and Nancy.  There's Margot.. Surprise 
After clinic day 4 picture fun. Junior, me, Nic, Pam, translator, David Daniel, Jodee and who is that in the background Margot. Adorable! So funny.... Laughing, while posting these pictures. I have known Margot for about 28 years when our kids started kindergarten at the same time.  We are pew pals at church and both crafted for many years.  Funny thought, we have gone from kindergarten to glue guns to mission trips.  Monday after clinic she looked at me after two days of having a headache and said "Jackie, I don't think I have the stamina and energy to get through this until Friday".   I knew God would take over (you just can't explain it).  On Friday she was super charged Margot, ready for more clinics.  She was - "bring it on" probably ready for more pictures. 

A few more moment pictures...

Love these ladies.  Three years ago I didn't know Yvonne and a year ago I didn't know this amazing soul Summer.  Because of the Haiti trips they now own a piece of my heart forever.  God has truly blessed me.
A touching moment in church when two souls from different parts of the world were sharing the love of Jesus.  Yvonne and her sister in Christ.  
Hand carved necklaces by my friend (and my adopted nephew) Junior.   I think I now have about 4 nephews in Haiti.  Nic, Dr. Bordes, Dr. Aquis.  

"FULL" FILLED.. Runners high...endorphins fired up. Full tank...  

I have yet to fully unpack from the trip, all I really want to do is blog more Haiti stories and look at the (guessing), over 2,000 pictures the team put on the Dropbox site...   Ok ok ok... Going to do what needs to be done.  

Hugs, aloha, and God bless.... Thank you.


  1. Great post. You described the indescribable. Miss all those folkies on the trip. By the way, this is john

    1. Thanks John. I miss everyone too. Bet Judi was very happy to have you home and safe. See you soon.
